We’re really having some fun on the Dutchess County Fairgrounds now! In just three weeks, we will be in full operation. I love this part of fair production. After months and months of pre-event planning, you actually start to see the fairgrounds change, daily. The big tents go up. This weekend, we had our warm up to the fair with a major Holstein show. Finishing touches are made to our beautiful gardens. Everywhere you look; people are rushing around to put the final pieces of the puzzle together for our August 23rd opening.
The county fair runs to the depth of my being. This past Sunday, I returned home to Boonville, NY and visited the county fair where it all began for me. We take the fair for granted because it has been part of our lives for most of our lives. After spending two days recently in New York City at Farmer’s Markets, I know not everyone does. As a matter of fact, there are many, many people who do not even know what a county fair is all about. Universally, however, in hundreds of one on one conversations with our friends in the city, there was great interest and enthusiasm when I explained what a county fair is all about.
If there is a more wonderfully wholesome family event on earth, you would have to take me there and show it to me. For the celebration of life itself in the variety of offerings, for the opportunity the fair gives us to showcase agriculture and help promote our local family farms, for the entertainment value, for the opportunity to come and play for a day, leaving all of the cares and worries of the world behind, there is just no place like the county fair. It is our hope that thousands in the area have marked their calendars for a visit to the Dutchess County Fair, August 23rd through the 28th.
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